Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pigeon Ave water upgrades start Monday...

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake will be replacing several water fittings on the water main under Pigeon Avenue starting on July 23. The work is expected to take several weeks, and there will be disruptions in water supply to the properties between Western Avenue and 11th Avenue (the 800 to 1100 blocks, as well as Ogden Street) while the water fittings are being replaced. Replacement of these water fittings is due to age of the infrastructure in the area.

Traffic patterns and driveway entrances will also be affected during the water fittings replacement program. The City will be closing off entire blocks during the construction activities for safety reasons of its contractors and the motoring public. All traffic detours and road closures will be signed appropriately. Extra care will be needed by all vehicles using Pigeon Avenue and the neighboring streets while work is being done. These traffic pattern changes will be in effect during the daytime hours from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

As much notice as possible will be given to each of the property owners as disruptions in water or traffic patterns might affect them. The City of Williams Lake apologizes in advance for any inconvenience this project may cause to the motoring public and property owners.

For more information, please contact the City of Williams Lake’s Water and Waste Department at 250 392-1785.


  1. Have these jobs gone out to bid Steve? I see the same private equipment at every city project. Will be interested if I see them here as well?

  2. Thanks for your comment...

    Yes, these jobs did go out to bid. The process is:

    March 2012 - City of Williams Lake publishes an ad requesting local firms to express an interest in providing equipment for public works throughout the year, depending on what they are able to provide. I'm not sure if the City using "BC Bid" for the same expression of interest but it is not likely there would be any cost savings there, given the distance one would have to travel to complete City requirements

    May - Sept/Oct 2012 - firms so hired by the City do work as directed by the City

    I understand there are 3 firms hired this year to do waterworks installations or amendments to the City's water infrastructure

    Hope this answers your question

