Friday, July 20, 2012

Sushil Thapar -- "I've done nothing wrong"

As I predicted earlier this week -- Quesnel Council imposed its' 3rd Censure Motion on Councillor Sushil Thapar and then proceeded to impose additional restrictions on him as well. The 3rd censure motion will not, in my view, stop Sushil Thapar from speaking out and may in fact, embolden him to speak out more often and not less...

From today's (Friday, July 20th) Quesnel Cariboo Observer:

Stripped of his Committees and having to seek Quesnel Council permission before representing the City, Councillor Sushil Thapar says he will continue to work for the taxpayers' of Quesnel

Monday night, Council unanimously passed a motion to censure Thapar for a third time, while stripping him of Committee appointments, removing him from rotating Acting Mayor and requiring him to seek Council permission prior to representing the City

It's unfortunate we had to take this measures, Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom said.  Council quoted a number of concerns for the restrictions including respectful communications and how confidential information is released

In the June 29th issue of the Cariboo Observer, Thapar was quoted as calling his colleagues "freakin' idiots" after hearing of the alleged "wrongful" dismissal of long-term City employee Meriel Wild

The termination could have huge implications for taxpayers

Thapar apologized to his colleagues for his remarks during Monday's meeting

However, he maintains the restrictions imposed upon him will not deter him from continuing to work "on behalf of the taxpayers"

Thapar also said the sanctions placed on him only served to "discredit" him both as a Quesnel City Councillor and as a person

"I've done nothing wrong", he stated

" I did not break my oath, I have an oath to taxpayers.  I will not back down", further stated Thapar

Thapar has been censured twice before.  The first instance, it was alleged he was disrespectful to Quesnel City Staff -- a claim that Thapar denies.  The second censure was due to an alleged breach of confidentiality - another claim he (Thapar) adamantly denies

Sjostrom says the City and Quesnel City Council is moving on, regardless of Thapar.  "Nobody is hiding anything", she said.  "We are in compliance.  We're done"

Council has requested a In-Camera (private) meeting with Thapar to discuss his future role with the City of Quesnel and Quesnel City Council

"Any open, public meeting I will attend", stated Thapar, adding he questions the authority of Council to impose the restrictions

"I was elected by the people", Thapar says, "Not these (Quesnel Council) people"

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