Sunday, September 9, 2012

BC Conservatives short of $$$

In an interesting post today - Bernard von Schulmann openly asks if the BC Conservatives will have enough money banked by April 2013 to seriously compete with the BC NDP and BC Liberals.  Remember - both the BC NDP/BC Liberals have previously spent millions to battle out the 2009 Provincial Election.

Read that blog post here

In a related matter and will likely re-annoy BC Conservatives - former BC Liberal Party Leader and NDP Cabinet Minister Gord Wilson says that Christy Clark and the BC Liberals can conceivably still win the 2013 Provincial Election.  Read the column here

A few days ago, BC Conservatives were annoyed that Mr. Wilson suggested that moves were afoot to dump BC Conservatives' Leader John Cummins in favour of Stockwell Day which led Kamloops/Nicola BC Conservatives' Regional Director (and my uncle) Alan Forseth to write a rebuttal on that topic here 

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