Saturday, September 8, 2012

Review of Local Gov't Bus - Wk of Sept 10-14

As I stated yesterday, the Cities of Quesnel & Williams Lake, the District of 100 Mile House and the Cariboo RD Board are meeting next week.  Here's a wrap on the significant items that they'll be considering next week:

Please note any local government in Committee of the Whole (In Committee) can not make a decision but makes a recommendation to that local government , similar to any established Committee within that local government

Quesnel - In Committee of the Whole

a) YouTube video presentation on Parking challenges within the City of Quesnel
b) BC Transit to present information to initiate a Targeted Service Review within Quesnel - read here and here (proposed terms of reference for the service review)

Williams Lake - In Committee of the Whole

a) Continued review of 2011-14 Strategic Priorities with focus on environmental goals - read here.  I did have one individual ask if there is any requirement to engage the public on Strategic Priorities prior to adoption of them by WL Council... while WL Council is not required to consult/engage the public with respect to Strategic Priorities, there may  be value in annual town halls, similiar to what the City of Terrace has done in the past which could include annual reporting out and what challenges that the City of WL is undergoing and could allow for 2 way annual conversation about our city

b) Western Estates (by WL Seniors' Village on Western Ave) resident raises concern about parkland adjacent to it and the risk of fire - read her letter here

c) Local paramedic Richard Vollo writes WL Council on the severe challenge of parking in Westridge - read his letter here.  Staff notes that this issue doesn't just apply to Westridge but to all residential areas in WL and that it should be a Business Plan goal for 2013 to review the off-street parking regulations.

d) Staff response to geese droppings at Scout Island - read here
e) Community Corner Partnership asks for City help to resolve plumbing issue at their building for Cariboo Growers' group - read their letter here

f) Local resident (and Woodland Dr resident) Troy Weil is asking Council for permission to connect to City water system.  Read his letter here but Staff are recommending the request be rejected because of the fact that allowing Mr. Weil could dilute the other Woodland Dr residents from connecting to City water and the fact that it could be a case of "divide and conquer" as far as future water/sewer services for Woodland Drive.  Also note - Mayor Cook will not be a part of this discussion, given she is a Woodland Drive resident herself

Finally - for the information of those including commentor Jim on the whole issue of the Sign Bylaw & the requirement to comply with the 'Cariboo Theme' requirement.  The Aug 28th minutes indicate that WL City Councillors Ivan Bonnell, Geoff Bourdon and Sue Zacharias wanted to keep Sign Bylaw #2153 intact while City of WL Mayor Cook and City Councillors Laurie Walters, Danica Hughes and Surinderpal Rathor rejected this.  At the end of the day - Mayor Cook, seconded by Councillor Rathor, moved that Bylaw #2153 be changed to 'voluntary compliance' as far as the 'Cariboo Theme' and signage goes which passed at the Aug 28th COW Meeting (with no recorded no votes) and then become official at the Sept 4th WL Council meeting

Cariboo Regional District - In Committee of the Whole:

a) Chlorination of CRD Water Systems - read here.  Interesting that the CRD Staff report indicates that a CRD Director who goes unnamed successfully blocked this initiative.  I wonder how long that can go on before Interior Health "orders" the local Regional District to chlorinate water in all CRD Water systems, regardless if a CRD Director(s) personally opposes such an initiative

b) In a move that I suspected would happen - CRD Administrator Janis Bell will propose to the CRD Board that the Agenda Format revert back to its' previous version where Planning items are considered first, then all other business and then In-Camera.  Ms. Bell notes challenges for press coverage and staff challenges to insure proper recording staff/equipment for In-Camera meetings.  Read her memo to the Board here.  If the Board reverts back to its' former Agenda structure, it should make it easier on Chilcotin residents or those from great distances to come and get a decision on their application(s) and then do the rest of their daily business.  I sincerely hope the Board agrees to this proposal by Ms. Bell

Update on Sat Sept 8th -- Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff says that she will ask the CRD Board to have In-Camera meetings first, then Hospital, Planning and then all other business as per the usual CRD Board Agenda.  It's a good idea but we'll have to wait and see if her colleagues feels the same as she does

c) CRD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren has requested a discussion on Grants-in-Aide. Staff also note that the Policy/Procedure Committee, chaired by Area 'L' Director Bruce Rattray is looking at this item as well.  Read more here

d) CRD Administrator Janis Bell will propose to the Board that CRD tax requisition levels remain the same in 2013 vs 2012, outside of either new or significantly new services.  Read her memo to the Board here.  With City of WL and their union discussions on-going, there is no official word on what a new collective agreement could look like and that could put enough pressure on the CRD's Central Cariboo Recreation budget that a 0% tax requistion may be out of reach but time will tell but I would bet that CRD Staff are watching the negotiations closely to see what the actual impact may be but by October, if negotiations are not finished, then CRD Staff may have to "pencil" in a number and then revise when the final numbers are available

e) CRD Administrator Janis Bell will propose to the Board a Financial Plan Consultation process in 2013 which could include a Saturday session in Williams Lake to capture those coming to WL from the Chilcotin - read here

Finally - the Board will receive an item from Shelly Burich, CRD Communications Manager, outlining a Terms of Reference for a CRD Volunteer Recognition Program.  Read more here.  Great to see the CRD wanting to recognize the volunteers of the Cariboo-Chilcotin :)

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