Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bob Simpson speaks on BC Legislature/Burns Lake

Yesterday - CBC Daybreak-North interviewed Ind. Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson involving Burns Lake and the announced decision to rebuild the Hampton Affiliates sawmill there

However - MLA Simpson wonders if we are trading the future of Burns Lake at the expense of other northern BC communities

Listen to the interview here

Meanwhile - with the decision of BC Government House Leader to cancel this fall's sitting of the BC Legislature, MLA Simpson says:

Maybe the BC Legislature should not sit until it is reformed

I do agree with Mr. Simpson that the BC Legislature could use a massive reform to bring it in line with the 21st century to ensure public policy and bills do get proper public scrutinty by way of use of Standing Committees - I would note that both the Ontario Legislature and the Federal Parliament use this process as well

Read his well-written and informed post here

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