Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lillioet CAO takes polygraph test

In a recent turn of events in Lillioet which includes seeing the former Mayor and Councillor resigning just 30 days after the last civic elections in November of 2011.  Lillioet CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) Grant Loyer has admitted that he submitted to a polygraph test in order to show that he didn’t make a controversial statement regarding flooding in the District of Lillioet.

In fact - Mr. Loyer went so far as to say this about some speaking out in Lillioet:

The actions of the malcontents could be likened to someone dealing with cancer,” he wrote. “Ignore it (and) the cancer spreads and the person dies.”

He also informed Lillioet Council in a Sept 10th report:

“We have had employees and their families leave Lillooet because they don’t want to deal with constant harassment and negativity, nor have their children exposed to it"

Lillioet Council agreed to receive the report with no action taken on it

While one can appreciate Mr. Loyer's frustration at the actions of some in Lillioet - comparing it to 'cancer' may be taking it too far...

Read more here with former Lillioet Mayor Ted Anchor explaining further why he chose to resign his office just 30 days after being elected - read here

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