Wednesday, September 19, 2012

CCRHD clarifies its' position on Local Health Authority

Late last week - I contacted CRD Area 'C' Director John Massier in his capacity as Chair of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) over a proposed City of WL Resolution concerning Interior Health vs Northern Health as follows:

HI John:

I hope things are well in Area 'C' and that of the North Cariboo :)

Anyhow - on Tuesday, Williams Lake City Council will consider the following resolution, at the request of Mayor Cook:

Council support Williams Lake and the Central Cariboo remaining in the Interior Health Authority.
As a City of Williams Lake resident & one of the Cariboo Regional District - if the above resolution passes (and I fully expect that it will as Mayor Cook will argue that now is not the time to leave Interior Health given the possible upgrade to the 2nd Floor at Cariboo Memorial Hospital) - Mayor Cook is perhaps, with the greatest of respect to her, reacting to one opinion, namely from the local medical community (again, from the staff report)

It is understood that the Health Authorities themselves have no say in the boundary configurations and it is the responsibility of the Province to make any changes to existing boundaries.

There have been concerns expressed by members of the medical community with respect to the fact that they have not been consulted regarding a proposed move to Northern Health.

It is not in the best interest of the community to make a change in Health Authorities when a considerable effort is being made with Interior Health to advance the progress of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital redevelopment.

I don't think we should be taking sides but rather have a full broad discussion on which Health Authority is best suited to provide the health-care needs for the Cariboo-Chilcotin and I hope that Board is prepared to publically rebuke Mayor (Director) Cook at the next CCRHD Board meeting as this action of WL City Council does not, in my view, help the very course of action that the CCRHD wishes to take on this matter at its' previous meetings'


Meanwhile - Director Massier thanked me in a reply email last night and advised that he had followed up with Mayor Cook on the proposed resolution and that a letter had been forwarded to City of WL Mayor/Council on the subject clarifying the position of the CCRHD on moving forward around staying with Interior Health vs Northern Health & the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Master Plan and assured me any move would not occur until it received a very fair & comprehensive public airing.

Notwithstanding WL Council's resolution from last night (Work with CCRHD to move CMH Master Plan forward & no support on discussion of moving from IHA to NHA and local MLA's being advised)  -- I think the position of the CCRHD is very responsible and I hope that they'll continue the course of action they charted from their April meeting, given the CCRHD is taking no side, with regard to this matter, in contrast to WL Council who has effectively taking the side of Interior Health, even though it may turn out that receiving services from Northern Health, at the end of the day, could be in this region's best interests'


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