Wednesday, September 19, 2012

End 'Sick Culture' in Victoria

In his weekly column - Bob Simpson, the Ind MLA for Cariboo-North, talks about recent comments from BC Premier Christy Clark that there is a 'sick culture' at the BC Legislature and she wasn't planning on hanging around the "Leg" but rather talk with "real" people while MLA Simpson argues instead of road  trips, how about legitimizing the roles of all MLA's and in fact, he and Delta-South MLA Vicki Huntington will discuss this and I'm sure much more as it relates to Independent MLA and our provincial democratic system at a Twitter Town Hall tomorrow, starting at 12:00pm.  I plan to participate myself by arguing a radical reform of the BC Legislature must include:

a) Use of Standing Committees to scrutinize bills (similar to Ontario Legislature and Federal Parliament)

b) Allow Private and Government Bills to have same "weight" (similar to current practice in Federal Parliament) and votes on Private Members' Bills can't be at whim of governing party

Read Simpson's very good column here

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