Sunday, September 16, 2012

CRD Area 'B' Advisory Committee

Courtesy of CRD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren's Facebook page:

I am considering establishing an “Advisory Committee” to provide feedback & opinions on issues affecting Area B residents. This “unofficial” committee will ideally be comprised of 10 – 12 residents from across the Electoral Area. The main function of the committee would be review issues that present themselves at the Board / North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee level which could directly affect residents residing in Electoral Area B

One of my goals as the Director for Electoral Area B is to become as informed as possible on issues & then transfer that information to the residents of Area B. I believe that the more people learn about processes, how things are done, and how our taxation funds are spent, the better equipped we are in making the right decisions. As Area B Director, I am representing ~4000 residents; hence, it would be good to hear what residents have to say about issues and /or concerns.

Please let me know if you are interested in being on this committee. Any information I would share with you would be done via email and your responses would be kept anonymous. They may be summarised and posted on my BLOG but names would be with-held.

Director Dixon-Warren may be reached via email at

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