Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ted Armstrong celebrates 35 years in local elected office

CRD Area 'A' Director Ted Armstrong
Last week - at the Cariboo Regional District's "Board on the Road" meetings in Kersley, BC (South of Quesnel), the Board held a celebration to commemorate Ted Armstrong's 35 years of public service to the electors of Area 'A' and to that of the wider Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional District community which includes a 8 year consecutive run as Chair of the Cariboo Regional District and the holding of many other positions within the Cariboo Regional District Board table

I'm sure readers' will correct me on this - but with his 35 years of elected public service, Ted Armstrong will become the longest (if not - the top three) serving locally elected official in British Columbia

I have gotten the opportunity to meet Ted a number of times at CRD Board meetings and at North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee meetings' and I can assure you that the people of Area 'A', the North Cariboo sub-region and the entire Cariboo-Chilcotin region are very lucky indeed to have a elected official like Ted Armstrong is

I congratulate Mr. Armstrong for his service to the people of Area 'A', the North Cariboo sub-region and the entire Cariboo-Chilcotin region

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