Tuesday, October 9, 2012

BC Conservatives' Leadership race is on.....

Update at 7:42am Tuesday, Oct 9th:

CBC-BC also has more here as well the Kamloops Daily News reviews the story with comments from both BC Conservative Kamloops Regional Director Alan Forseth and BC Conservative Kamloops-South Thompson Riding Association Vice-President Peter Sharp here.  Finally, Gary Mason of the Globe and Mail says John Cummins has no choice, at this point, but to resign and allow a leadership race to go forward to heal all sides within the BC Conservative camp - read here but I personally expect John Cummins and his BC Conservative supporters to dig in their heals and fight any temptation to invoke a formal leadership race

CBC-BC Video:


Original Blog Post: 

On Sunday - Global BC ran the story on the BC Conservative very public bickering including a threat to challengers' within the BC Conservatives to either "put up or shut up" Meanwhile - Ariane Eckardt of the BC Conservatives' Burnaby-North Riding Association says, despite the BC Conservative AGM endorsing the leadership of John Cummins, they are many within the rank and file of the BC Conservative Party who do not endorse his leadership and further, they are perplexed at the "cold shoulder" treatment of former BC Conservative and now Independent Abbotsford-South MLA John van Dongen

Methinks - that if the BC Conservatives' return donations and membership fees from those 'detractors', the best the BC Conservatives' will be to do is compete in 12 Rural BC Ridings during next year's provincial election at most as that is all they'll have the money to do 

Watch the thought-provoking video from Global BC below:



  1. This is exactly what needed to be done, and rather than smacking of desperation, as suggested in the CBC NEWS story, it shows he has now taken the steps that need to be taken.

    Why, would anyone question not only John Cummins, but the BC Conservative Party itself, for taking steps to ensure it is not destroyed by a few trouble makers that refuse to abide by the overwhelming majority of members?

  2. Perhaps because there are more than a "few troublemakers" including almost half of the presidents of the recognized CA's.

    Furthermore, has we not been treated like mushrooms and kept in the dark, the leadership review vote may have been quite different. I would certainly have voted for a review had I known there was this much division.

    John Cummins will have no credibility now unless he holds and wins a leadership race.
