Monday, October 8, 2012

Thanksgiving Messages - BC Premier/Canadian PM

From the Rt Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada:

“As we gather with family and friends this Thanksgiving, let us pause to appreciate the many reasons we are fortunate to live in our great country.

“We are fortunate to live in a prosperous land that protects the rights of its citizens, promotes freedom and democracy at home and abroad, and cherishes community and family. Our economy remains resilient in the face of global economic turmoil and our streets and communities are safe.

“Thanksgiving is also a time that reminds us of those less fortunate. I encourage Canadians to lend a helping hand to those who need it most.

“I would also invite all Canadians to join me in also thanking the brave men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces, who may not be with their families this Thanksgiving Day, for their valiant efforts in building a better world and keeping Canadians safe from harm's way.

“On behalf of Laureen and I and our children, let me wish all Canadians a very happy Thanksgiving today”

From the Hon. Christy Clark - Premier of British Columbia:

“Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to gather together to celebrate and appreciate loved ones and life’s many blessings.

“In British Columbia, we are fortunate for countless reasons, including the ability to grow and produce all the traditional trimmings of a Thanksgiving feast. British Columbia is doing well, our economy is stable and growing, and we are on the right track. I am grateful to serve as Premier, and proud of our province, communities and hard-working families.

“Thanksgiving weekend is a time to reflect on our blessings, and when possible to help those less fortunate. I know many British Columbians will be donating their time, food and service at community shelters and food banks this weekend. Volunteering your time is a wonderful way to show your gratitude.

“I hope families find time this weekend to come together and take a moment to appreciate the opportunity, beauty and the unparalleled quality of life here in British Columbia.

“I wish all British Columbians a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving.”

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