Saturday, October 6, 2012

John Cummins to dissidents' -- Fall in line or Else!!!

After  yesterday's announcement that several of the Metro Vancouver BC Conservative Riding Association Presidents' co-signed a letter to BC Conservative Party Leader John Cummins asking he step down, the Vancouver Province reports that Mr. Cummins will announce tomorrow the following:

“I am unwavering in my dedication to the B.C. Conservatives and fully intend to lead my party into the next general election,” 

“Those few but vocal party members who are critical of my leadership and do not support me have until 12:00 noon, Wednesday, to either get onside or quit our party and join another.”

The draft press release also states that anyone would chooses to cancel their BC Conservative Party membership will have their membership fees refunded

Again - this is another example of a political party not being able to keep its' internal issues "internal".  Methinks that the BC Conservatives' are not quite ready to lead BC but I personally wouldn't mind seeing a BC Conservative MLA or two in the BC Legislature as it would make for more robust policy debates... but of course, tempered with an Independent MLA or two and a majority of BC Liberal MLA's as government after May 14th, 2013

Read more here


  1. No Steve ... in my opinmion you are completely wrong on this.

    It was time for direct leaderswhip fcrom the top on this. These dissidents can either get with the program -- or leave. It is LONG since past time for nicities.

    John Cummins is responding to what I beleive the membvership is now calling for.

    He, and we the party, tried to work with these people -- they were not willing to be a part of a team effort.

    They have dragged us down for long enough -- now we get bgack on track and present the message that people are looking to hear.

  2. Mr. Forseth--

    Would you like to elaborate on who, precisely, 'these people' are and, perhaps more importantly, what their true intentions are?


    (my report on this matter, if you are interested, is here)

