Saturday, October 6, 2012

Townhouse Development in jeopardy....?

On September 26th - The City of Williams Lake held a meeting to discuss changes to the City's new OCP and Zoning Bylaws to permit a 6 unit Townhouse development at 1912 Renner Road.  According to the minutes from that meeting (read here), it generated plenty of concerns by area residents.  17 people turned out for the meeting

Should Council give the proposal 2nd reading on Tuesday - a statutory public hearing would be held on November 6th at 7pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  Council could, after the public hearing, give the application 3rd Reading on November 6th and adopt the application at a future point once all conditions on the application are met

With concerns expressed around traffic, no play area for children in the neighbourhood and parking for this application - I think we'll see a busier than normal public hearing for the townhouse development and I, for one, will be interested to see/what Council does with the application both on Tuesday and also at the public hearing in November.  For myself - I think Council should vote on 2nd reading and see what the public hearing generates.  Usually I find oral submissions (which you can expect from the 1912 Renner Rd area residents) can have a bigger impact on elected officials than written submissions, strictly from an observer point of view

Meanwhile - Council will receive a letter from former SD #27 Zone 6 Trustee Bruce Mack, on behalf of the local Recreation Hockey League protesting the recently approved "No Alcohol" Policy at the Recreation Complex - read Mr. Mack's letter here.  I do agree with City Staff that the policy now prohibits a clearly illegal act.  If a group wants to have a beer after, then one could go to the bar, get together at one's home for a drink or two or apply to the Province for a temporary liquor license

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