Friday, November 23, 2012

BC Libs trending up in new Angus-Reid Poll

Trend of past Angus-Reid polls - via CBC-BC

Editor's Note -- read more here

In a newly released online poll by Angus-Reid where 800 BC'ers were surveyed, the results were:

BC NDP -- 47% support (down from 50% support in May 2012)
BC Liberals -- 29% support (up from July 8/2010 and March - August 2012)
BC Conservatives -- 12% support (down from 22% support in July 2012)
BC Greens -- 9% support

For BC Liberals - it is the right type of trend but clearly we have lots of work to do but polls have shown us to be behind the BC NDP in the run-up to an election only to have BC NDP/BC Liberals within a few points of the parties at the start of the election as British Columbians get to know Adrian Dix and his party policies

BC Conservatives drop in the polls is not surprising, given some of the negative press since their AGM in September

What I'll be looking for, in future polls, is if this is a fluke in data or a trend that is confirmed by other polls.

But I would remiss if I didn't remind my blog readers that pollsters in Alberta had the Wildrose Party having a significant lead over the Alberta Tories only to have the Alberta PC's winning the last Alberta election


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