Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cariboo RD Rural Fringe Fire Service approved

Editor's Note -- with the approval of the Cariboo Regional District Contracted (WL Fire Department) Fire Protection Service, the next step will be to arrive at a contract with the City of Williams Lake for rural fire protection for residents in certain parts of CRD Electoral Areas D, E, F and this is where the real fireworks could start between City of WL Councillor Ivan Bonnell and his CRD Central Directors' counterparts in Directors Sorley, Kemp and CRD Area 'D' Alternate Director Bill Carruthers, especially as we get towards the end of the year (Dec 31st, 2012)

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The preliminary results for the Williams Lake Fringe Fire Protection Area Referendum to determine if affected residents wish to continue having their fire protection services provided by the City of Williams Lake Fire Department are as follows:

Yes – 978
No – 30

Official results will be announced early next week

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