Sunday, November 25, 2012

Municipal Councillor collects pay while working in the Caribbean

Yesterday, Daphne Bramham of the Vancouver Sun reported on how Central Saanich District Councillor Terry Siklenka was given a six-month paid leave from his Council duties while working in Georgetown, Grand Cayman after Councillor Siklenka requested a leave for "personal reasons"

Under the Community Charter - a member of a municipal council or regional district board (electoral area directors) may be disqualified from office if he/she misses four (4) consecutive meetings of a municipal council/regional district board or 60 consecutive days from the last meeting unless he/she is sick, injured  or has leave of the council/board

Read her column here


Should a member of a municipal council or an Electoral Area Director receive a "paid personal leave" in order to work elsewhere, especially as long as 6 months??  Personal leave from Council/Board duties should be for mental health issues or personal bereavement issues but certainly not for work related issues, especially as long as 6 months.  In that case - you should have thought about that before running

I'm interested in hearing all thoughts on this matter


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