Sunday, November 25, 2012

WL Council Bus - Nov 27th

For those in Williams Lake - your Williams Lake City Council, in Committee of the Whole (informal body & doesn't have decision-making authority), will consider the following at their Tuesday meeting:

a) Airport Fee Bylaw Amendment - read here.  Staff note though that our increased airport fees will still be lower compared to comparable sized airports throughout BC including Quesnel, Prince George and Smithers

b) 2013 Fee for Service Contracts.  read here.  The proposed Fee for Service Contracts are:

2013 Proposed Fee for Service Amount
WL Stampede Queens’ Committee
Big Brothers and Big Sisters – WL
CC Hospice Care Society
Scout Island Nature Centre
Social Planning Council
Youth for Christ
WL Stampede Association
CC Conservation Society (Water)
CC Conservation Society (Solid Waste)
Tourism Discovery Centre
Community Policing Committee

Grand Total for ’13 Fee for Service Requests
$332,500.00 (before Council approved increases/decreases)

Personally - I'd still like to see Scout Island Nature Island get full and sustainable funding, either from the City directly (given it is a park in my view) or from the Cariboo Regional District's Central Cariboo Recreation Service as it could be easily argued that Scout Island acts as a place of recreation (walking/swimming)

c) City of WL responds to Cariboo RD proposed Solid Waste Management Plan -- read here.  Note that Joe Engelberts (City's Manager of Water/Waste) proposes a "Steering Commitee" of 2 Cariboo RD Directors, 2 City of WL City Councillors and CRD/City of WL Staff to monitor implementation of the Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP).  In discussing this with Cariboo RD Area 'D' Deb Bischoff, she agrees with me that it should be the full Cariboo Regional District Board itself that monitors the implementation of the SWMP, given all players are there (elected officials and CRD Staff) and the muncipal directors around that table need time to consult with their municipal councils, then the Board, I'm certain, will give them the time required to consult and return to the Board with any input required from that muncipality

Finally - at the October 30th Committee of the Whole meeting, Mayor Cook informed Williams Lake City Council that "Roundtable" period where a member of Council can report on their activities would return, under the following conditions:

• To inform the rest of Council and the public on items or activities that don't appear on
the agenda;
• Notification on upcoming public events;
• Not to be used as a venue to ask political questions of Council or Staff;
• Not to be intense or accusatory;
• One way communication only;
• On a voluntary basis only;
• No motions allowed.

I personally agree with all bullets above except #6.  As Roundtable is still part of the official Agenda under the City's Procedure Bylaw, it is mandatory except where Council waives the holding of "Roundtable" by motion passed at each and every meeting it wishes to do so unless it was clarified in the Procedure Bylaw that Roundtable by Mayor/Council may occur at the discretion of the Mayor/Acting Mayor, as the case may be.  Otherwise, the rest of the bullets make sense and is proper, as far as the full intent/purpose of Roundtable Comments by Mayor/Council


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