Friday, December 21, 2012

CRD wins court decision on Rural Fire Protection

This afternoon, the Cariboo Regional District announced that it had secured a court win which requires the City of Williams Lake to continue providing rural fire protection services to CRD Areas D, E, F at the referendum-endorsed price to a maximum of $147 per $100,000 for 120 days

Press Release - Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District has won its court injunction against the City of Williams Lake. Yesterday, the CRD had filed for a court injunction requiring the City of Williams Lake to honour its pre-referendum offer to provide fire protection services to fringe area residents and to ensure that those services could not be terminated.

The terms of the injunction require the City of Williams Lake to continue to provide uninterrupted fire protection services to Williams Lake fringe area residents into 2013 for 120 days, and at a rate based on the original agreement offered to the CRD and upon which the referendum was conducted.

While this is welcome news, a long-term resolution is still required. Williams Lake fringe residents are reminded of a public meeting which has been scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the Gibraltar Room. This meeting will provide affected residents with an opportunity to learn about any options the CRD may be considering and to provide any feedback they may have as to how they wish the CRD to proceed on their behalf.

Further updates and information will be posted on the CRD website at or on our Facebook page at

Meanwhile - the City of Williams Lake gave its' own take on the Court ruling, as follows:

Press Release - City of Williams Lake:

City of Williams Lake on Rural Fire Protection Court ruling

Steve's view -- While I personally suspected that the Cariboo RD would, because of the City's Dec 11th new offer, have to go to Court to get the City to honour its' pre-referendum offer, the same offer that CRD residents' endorsed by a margin of 97 to 3.  I have a tough time, personally, seeing how one could spin the injunction process as a 'win'.  The Court, in my opinion and likely many in the CRD Rural Fringe areas, saw the City act as attempting to get out of a fair agreement to solve a budget challenge the City should have seen coming (ie - Creekside permanent shutdown).  In the meantime - I hope this ruling will show WL Council that when you make a deal with another local government and its' residents' - you must honour it.  Most reasoned-minded people knew that the 'Creekside' shutdown would always go from 'temporary' to 'permanent' and WL City Hall should have been planning for that eventuality.  I also hope that the City will now agree to the 5 year contract it offered the Cariboo Regional District for rural fringe fire protection and received a subsequent 'thumbs-up' from CRD rural fringe residents' in Areas D, E and F

I was surprised to learn that the CRD would not receive court costs.  I think the Cariboo Regional District, because of the City's Dec 11th motion, was entitled to costs.

I am certain that CRD residents' will be pleased with the BC Supreme Court ruling


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