Friday, December 21, 2012

Local Gov't on Christmas Break...

All local governments and School Boards in the Cariboo-Chilcotin are now on Christmas Break until January

The first local government to resume meeting will be the City of Williams Lake on Tuesday, Jan 8th, 2013 at 6:00pm as well the Board of Education for School District #27 who is meeting in 100 Mile House at 6:30pm and the District of Wells - 7:00pm on Tuesday, Jan 8th, 2013 in Wells Council Chambers

The Cariboo Regional District Board, School District #28 and the City of Quesnel will all meet the following week

The blog will be down for the next few days (unless something urgent comes up requiring your notification) for a Christmas Break.  I'll be reviewing my  top 3 political stories - local, provincial and federal late next week so stay tuned for those

In the meantime - be well, travel safe to wherever you are off to and enjoy Christmas with your own families and please think about those who are less fortunate as ourselves as you sit down to dinner with your own families...


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