Friday, December 7, 2012

Junior 'B' Hockey comes to 100 Mile House

Late yesterday - the 100 Mile House Wranglers' announced this on their Facebook page:

we;'re in! a vote of 15 to 2, we are the newest member of the KIJHL. Thank you everyone!. More soon

Meanwhile - Tom Bachynski of the Wranglers' said, prior to the KIJHL Board of Governors' vote:

“We’ve got all the right components; we’ve got a great backing by business…by the people of 100 Mile House like when they showed last year when we thought we had a team with Revelstoke. We’re just very enthusiastic about it and wanted to share with all the Governors just how enthusiastic we are. We’re ready to go.”

Read more here

Congrats to the Wranglers' for passing a big hurdle.  Junior 'B' hockey will be, in my view, a big hit for 100 Mile residents' and outlying residents' and hopefully the South Cariboo will be successful in this new venture for the area

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