Friday, December 7, 2012

NC Multi-centre denied $$$ by Ottawa

Yesterday - Cariboo-PG Conservative MP Dick Harris reported that a recent application from Quesnel for funds for the $30 million North Cariboo Multi-Centre from the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund was denied as it was for upgrades and repairs to existing facilities and not for new facilities

Harris also re-iterated what he has said many times in the past that he will be first in line when there finally is a funding envelope that fits the project.  View more on this story here

With roughly a year before local elected officials must decide whether or not to re-submit an application to local taxpayers' for authority to borrow up to $15 million (or more) for the North Cariboo Multi-Centre - time is running short to secure the other $15 million (Victoria/Ottawa) in order to start the building of the North Cariboo Multi-Centre.  Given MP Harris' comments yesterday - even I now doubt if Ottawa will come through with the funds necessary before the 5 year anniversary (Nov 13th, 2013) for the referendum to borrow up to $15 million for the Multi-Centre comes due

Options that Quesnel City Council and Cariboo RD Directors for Areas A (Armstrong), B (Dixon-Warren), C (Massier) and I (Glassford) could consider in advance of Nov 13th, 2013 to get building the Multi-Centre may include:

a) Increase borrowing authority to $20-$25 million and fund rest via donations/provincial funding
b) Divide Multi-Centre in various stages
c) Walkaway from the project (entire Multi-Centre) come Nov 13th, 2013 and look at replacement of the Twin Ice Arena that needs immediate work


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