Monday, December 3, 2012

Taseko ordered to do Cumulative Effects Study of New Prosperity

Last week, a series of letters flew back and forth between Taseko Mines and the Federal Review Panel in regards to a cumulative effect study which the Panel says it needs to determine, as part of a wider study, if the EIS or Environmental Impact Statement is sufficient to take to Public Hearing in 2013 which Taseko Mines argues that the Panel already has the required information.  Read my blog post on this here

Late last Thursday - the Federal Review Panel sent another letter to Taseko Mines and in essence orders Taseko Mines to complete the cumulative effects study of New Prosperity on the local environment or the Panel considers the EIS that was submitted for New Prosperity insufficient.  The Panel goes on to say that Taseko narrowed the scope of its cumulative effects assessment in a manner that is inconsistent with the EIS Guidelines and the new Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

Next steps for Taseko Mines could include going to the Federal Minister of Environment (Hon. Peter Kent) and seek relief from the Panel's directive for a cumulative effects study for New Prosperity or to complete the cumulative effects study that the Panel has asked for.

Should Taseko Mines go the "political" route - it could open a "can of worms" for Taseko, especially from those with grave concerns with the New Prosperity mine proposal.  We should see Taseko's response to this letter sometime early this week - probably by Monday or Tuesday, I would think...

View the letter below from the Federal Review Panel to Taseko Mines:

Letter from Federal Review Panel to Taseko Mines re: EIS

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