Sunday, December 2, 2012

WL Council Business - Dec 4th

For those in Williams Lake - your City Council will have a full Agenda and deal with the following noteworthy items;


a) TNG Chiefs appear before Council re: Support for 'New Prosperity' at Fish Lake.  Watch for Mayor Cook and Council to politely say they sympatize for TNG's concerns but the resolution of support from September stands.  Also watch for a packed Council Chambers of TNG Chief supporters

b) SD #27 appears before Council to discuss the "Initial Options" report which calls for 3 schools in Williams Lake area (Glendale, Kwaleen and Wildwood) to close

c) Interior Health gives an update on local health services


a) Council to ratify a resolution to confirm Mayor Cook and Councillor Zacharias as the CRD Director and Alternate respectively for Williams Lake.  Watch for Councilor Bonnell to oppose this resolution

b)  Council will adopt its' meeting calendar for 2013, its' Acting Mayor list for 2013, Mayor Cook's Council appointments for 2013.  I don't expect any changes in Councillor assignments and finally to proclaim Jan 2nd, 2013 as "Wrestling Day" in Williams Lake

c) Update on Pool Task Force and recommendations from the consultant to urgent upgrades to the Sam Ketchum Pool

d) No changes to Fee for Service agreements with various groups in Williams Lake in 2013
e) Council will inform Ms. Kim Herdman that the intent of placing the speed reader board is to gather data which will be brought back to Council in the Spring for further consideration.  This is in response to an another letter from Ms. Herdman expressing concern about 'lack of action' over speeding throughout Williams Lake

f) Finally - Council will receive a letter from BC Transportation Minister Mary Polak indicating that her Ministry has no funds to help with the South Lakeside Upgrade Protection, scheduled to occur in 2013 - read her letter here.  Meanwhile - in a letter I agree with -- Peter Epp Sr in last week's Williams Lake Tribune asked Council to revisit the upgrade project.  I think South Lakeside would be in a mess if not for two things:

a) Access to Prosperity Ridge (WalMart,etc) should have been via Hutchinson Dr and Highway 20
b) Pinnicle Pellet Plant should have been built in Glendale area (traditional industrial area of Williams Lake)

Future Meetings:

a) Tues Dec 11th - Committee of the Whole in the Rick Hansen Boardroom (WL City Hall basement)
b) Wed Dec 12th - Special Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting to receive final Pool Task Force report.  Meeting in the Rick Hansen Boardroom

c) Tues Dec 18th - Final WL Council meeting for 2012 in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St)

You can view all the items described above here


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