Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 City of Kamloops Budget Process...

In a open and transparent process I wish both the City of Williams Lake and Cariboo Regional District would use including the links listed below and taped Budget Meetings

The City of Kamloops has announced its' 2013 Public Consultation Meetings schedule to deliberate the 2013 City of Kamloops Budget.  Although not mentioned, I expect the meetings for Jan 22nd, 29th and Feb 5th, like 2012, will be held at the Interior Savings' Centre or similiar venue.  You can view the 2012 Budget videos here

2013 Kamloops Budget Deliberation Schedule as follows:

December 11, 2012

» Financial Plan Presentation to Council for 2013 Budget
» 2011 Annual Report

January 22, 2013 - 7 pm ~ Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services

» PRC - General Operating Budget
» PRC - General Capital Budget
» PRC - Service Levels

January 29, 2013 - 7 pm ~ Public Works & Utilities

» PWS - General Operating Budget
» PWS - General Capital Budget
» PWS - Service Levels

February 5, 2013 - 7 pm ~ DES / CSCS

Development & Engineering Services

» DES - General Operating Budget
» DES - General Capital Budget

Corporate Services & Community Safety

» CCA - General Operating Budget
» CCA - General Capital Budget

March 12, 2013 - 1 pm ~ Council Review

Feedback collected from public input

April 9, 2013 - 1 pm ~ Final Deliberations

Council decides on 2013 budget

I congratulate the City of Kamloops and its' Municipal Council for one of the most open and transparent budget process that I've seen in all of the Interior of BC (both North, Central and South Interior).  In fact, I think that this should be standard practice in BC local government and Kamloops Council should get an award for this 'best practice' at UBCM and maybe even FCM... :)

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