Thursday, January 3, 2013

Donna Barnett launches Facebook and Web pages

Last December - current Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett launched her Facebook and re-election web pages which you can view here (Facebook) and here (re-election website)

Like Donna -  both Cariboo-North BC Liberal Candidate Coralee Oakes, current Ind. Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson and BC NDP Cariboo-Chilcotin candidate Charlie Wyse have either launched Facebook pages announcing their re-election or election bids and re-election/election websites.  This demonstrates that each candidate's election team feels that a presence on social media/Internet is a necessary tool for their election or re-election bids as the case may be

Only Bob Simpson and Coralee Oakes, so far, have Twitter accounts, in addition to their re-election websites or Facebook pages

Once the BC NDP Cariboo-North nomination race is determined on Sun Jan 20th between Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar or former Cariboo RD Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett is settled - I expect the official candidate for the BC NDP in the Cariboo-North riding will quickly set up their own social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter and website)


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