Monday, January 28, 2013

BC Political Ads for '13 BC Election

Over the last week, both of the two major political parties in BC - those being the BC Liberals and BC NDP have released their first political ads as follows:

Today's BC Liberals:


As I reviewed both ads over the weekend - while the BC Liberals' contained information about their vision/priorities for the Province, should they get the opportunity to remain government past May of 2013... the BC NDP was vague on their priorities and there was something missing in their ad to make their genuine connection to the average voter that isn't or hasn't voted for a political party in the past but is looking to vote in this election

Postmedia News looks at this item as well here

Meanwhile - Alan Forseth, Kamloops/Thompson Regional Director for the BC Conservatives, gets in a 'shot or two' at the BC Liberals' over its' recent BC Jobs ads which you can read here

Finally - while the initial round of TV ads for the BC Liberals/BC NDP seem to be positive so far, it remains to be seen this far in advance of the provincial election if the "positive" ads will continue... and will the BC Conservatives have TV ads of their own?  Their publicized finances to date suggest that they may not have the finances to do TV ads but remain focused on newspaper/radio ads instead, in addition to use of social media tools (blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc)


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