Monday, January 28, 2013

WL Council receives 2012 Crime Outlook

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Crime rates in 2012 remained below 2008 rates, which are a baseline for the previous 10 years, City Council heard at its Jan. 22 meeting.

RCMP Inspector Warren Brown and Safer Community Coordinator Dave Dickson presented Council with a 2012 Crime Statistics Overview, which shows crime rates up over 2011, but down significantly from the baseline level represented by the 2008 numbers.

Calls for service declined by roughly 2,600 calls between 2012 and 2008, and were just slightly higher in 2012 than 2011. Insp. Brown attributed some of the reduction to the False Alarm Bylaw Council passed in 2011. False alarms have fallen from nearly 900 in 2008 to less than 600 in 2012.

Theft of vehicle declined to roughly 100 in 2012, down from more than 250 in 2008, and up from roughly 30 in 2011. Break and enters to both business and residences also declined from 2008.

Domestic violence incidents have increased since both 2008 and 2011, to nearly 100 reported cases from just over 80. It is believed increased awareness and education may be leading to more victims reporting domestic violence than previously.

“As Inspector Brown told Council, these are not numbers to be content with, but they show we’re going in the right direction,” says Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook. “Council is exploring more initiatives to help reduce crime and increase safety even further.”

The RCMP’s 2012/2013 Annual performance Plan calls for continuing to improve and enhance police and aboriginal relationships, contributing to safer youth, and contributing to community safety.

Volunteer programs such as Restorative Justice, Business Watch, and Operation Red Nose have also had successes in 2012, with 125 businesses participating in Business Watch, and Operation Red Nose providing 280 rides to more than 639 riders over the 2012 holiday season. The program also accepted $8,000 in donations.

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