Thursday, January 24, 2013

Canim Lk Band signs forest agreement w/BC

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

The Province has issued a First Nations’ woodland licence to the Tsq'escenemc people of the Canim Lake Band, enhancing economic opportunities and forest stewardship in the region, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson announced today.

The licence allows the band to harvest up to 20,000 cubic metres of timber a year –about 5,000 logging truckloads -- from a 21,400-hectare parcel of Crown land next to the Canim Lake Reserve.

The agreement is the second First Nations’ woodland licence signed under a new program designed to provide long-term, area-based logging rights to First Nations. The length of the licences, which provides a minimum 25-year tenure, makes it easier for First Nations to secure investment and loans for forestry operations.

The agreement supports ‘Our Natural Advantage: Forest Sector Strategy for British Columbia’, which identifies First Nations’ partnerships as a priority when it comes to advancing economic and environmental sustainability in B.C.’s forest sector.

More information on this can be found here

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