Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Decade of Labour Peace with BC Teachers'

Editor's Note -- if all sides in BC's Education System were to agree to a collective agreement for 10 years (decade), I think that it would be very good stability for students, parents, the BC Education System and the Province overall.  Here's hoping it happens :)

Update: BC Premier Christy Clark takes to YouTube to speak on this possible arrangement:

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

The B.C. government is proposing a series of bold and innovative changes to achieve labour peace and a ten-year agreement with the province’s public-school teachers, Premier Christy Clark and Education Minister Don McRae announced today.

“The goal of a 10-year agreement is simple and ambitious - give Grade 2 students a chance to go their entire school career without a disruption,” said Clark. “Imagine the opportunities for students, parents and teachers in the classroom knowing classrooms would always be open. We need to work closely with teachers on our shared goal of improving B.C.’s education system, and we’re prepared to make some fundamental changes that put students first. This isn’t about the adults - it’s about what’s best for students.”

Government’s proposal, Working Together For Students: A Framework For Long Term Stability In Education, specifies that in return for a 10-year agreement, the government is prepared to offer public school teachers:

a) A formal role in education policy decisions.
b) A voice in allocating a $100-million Priority Education Investment Fund, available in the third year of an agreement.
c) Salary certainty and fairness by indexing public school teacher salaries to increases in the B.C. public sector.

The framework also sets out a structured and transparent process that calls on professional mediators and conciliators to help resolve bargaining impasses.

“As a teacher and as minister, I know how beneficial it is for teachers to have a voice in the future of education,” said McRae. “Through this framework, we can strengthen that voice in matters such as funding and policy decisions. With a ten-year agreement, we can move past the strife and disruption of the past and focus on what matters most – working together for students and families across British Columbia.”

To learn more:

1) Working Together For Students: A Framework For Long Term Stability In Education, Toward A 10-Year Agreement With Public School Teachers - read here

2) Framework for a 10-year Agreement with Public School Teachers, presentation - read here

3) Stakeholder Submissions: read here

4) Full Government of BC press release with Backgrounder info here

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