Thursday, January 24, 2013

City of WL releases Housing Demands/Needs Study

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Williams Lake City Council recently received the completed Housing Needs and Demand Study for information. The City contracted with City Spaces Consulting in early 2012 to complete a Housing Need and Demand study to assist the Cariboo Lodge Site Redevelopment Task Force.

The report has been received and reviewed by the Cariboo Lodge Task Force. As described throughout this needs analysis, low-income singles (working singles and those living on fixed incomes, including seniors), individuals with special needs, and aboriginal households of all ages face the greatest challenges in finding and maintaining housing that is affordable, adequate and suitable. For some low-income individuals, particularly those that have complex health and substance issues, finding and keeping any form of permanent housing is especially challenging.

The study found that Williams Lake has many caring and compassionate individuals, organizations and faith-based groups, and a number of existing housing providers. Future partnerships and collaborations, together with the support of the City and BC Housing, will be required to comprehensively address current and emerging housing needs. The Cariboo Lodge Task Force will be using the study to inform their recommendations with regard to Cariboo Lodge. The report is available on the city web page at

The City would like to thank the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia for funding to assist in completing the study.

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