Thursday, January 24, 2013

City of WL/Union Negotiations break-down

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake Collective Agreement negotiations with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 882-B, which represents all of the City’s unionized staff, have broken off after the Union left the negotiating table on January 21st. The City has been advised that the Union will be taking a strike vote on Sunday, January 27th.

The City of Williams Lake is hopeful that a strike will not occur and that the Union will come back to the table so the parties can continue negotiating a new collective agreement without disruptions to the community. In the event of job action, an essential services plan will be in place to minimize the impact to the community.

The City recognizes that it has excellent employees and is aware that these processes can create uncertainty and stress within the workforce. The City is looking to negotiate a fair package for both sides and has made its position very clear to the Union that it is willing and able, to negotiate on all items.

In an effort to keep negotiations moving forward the City will also be applying to the Labour Relations Board (LRB) for mediation.

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