Monday, January 7, 2013

John Cummins vs Mary Polak - 2013 BC Election

Over the weekend - BC Conservative John Cummins officially confirmed that he will take on BC Transportation Mary Polak in her home provincial riding of Langley.  This, of course, is no surprise as Mr. Cummins had always said that he would run in Langley, given that is where now

Mr. Cummins said also that some of his supporters wanted him to run in Delta, given he served that area as a Federal Conservative MP previously

For her part - Polak said that she had expected the move and she fight 'tooth and nail' to remain as the MLA for Langley.  Read here and view below:

Myself - I think Cummins should have run in Delta as some of his supporters called on him to do as his odds on election there are certainly better than running in Langley.  If Cummins lost his bid in Langley, he would almost certainly be 'politically pushed' into resigning as BC Conservative Leader and that would push back any progress for his Party for a significant period to come...

Odds are, in my view, that Polak will win and should she (a remote possibility in my view) encounter difficulties in campaigning for re-election, I have no doubt that she could call upon assistance from her fellow MLA and BC Deputy Premier Rich Coleman and I'm sure that he would be glad to 'give her a hand' in her bid to stay a BC Liberal MLA for Langley

-- SBF

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