Monday, January 7, 2013

New BC Auditor-General?

In a weekend where one could only describe the BC Liberals' actions as 'petty', it was revealed that the Special Committee to appoint an Auditor-General had put out newspaper ads advertising for individuals to apply for the position of Auditor-General of British Columbia.  Under the rules - the Special Committee must make an unanimous recommendation to the BC Legislature for the successful candidate to hold the office of Auditor-General of British Columbia.  It should be noted that John Doyle requested re-appointment

It was always known that the provincial government did not like and didn't hide the fact that they didn't agree with the conclusions of John Doyle on his audit analysis(es)

But all sides put their own 'spin' on the situation:

NDP's Shane Simpson called for current Auditor-General John Doyle to be re-appointed to a 2nd term.  See more here and view below:

 BC Conservatives' themselves called for a halt to the process until a new BC Legislature could convene to further consider the matter.  See more here

For themselves - BC Liberals' didn't see a problem with BC Liberal Chilliwack MLA John Les saying that a one-term Auditor-General was not uncommon and BC Liberal Kamloops-South Thompson saying that Doyle was 'wrong' on a number of fronts

For myself - this was a big PR blunder by the BC Liberals and will add to the public perception that we are a tired government.  I once learned at a conference that surrounding yourself with like people is more dangerous than receiving no advice at all.  I thought, as an average British Columbian, that John Doyle was doing a great job as Auditor-General of BC and deserved to continue on for a 2nd term.  An Auditor-General is supposed to call out any government that has financial shortcomings, regardless of political flag, and for that - John Doyle was performing his role marvelously


1 comment:

  1. This action, no doubt orchestrated by the premier's office, was not only seen as petty, but an extension of the Premier's demand of former Attorney General Barry Penner to "Stop his investigation into the BC Rail !" (The Auditor's application to the BC Supreme Court to gain access to the files regarding the Basi-Virk 6 million dollar payoff).

    NOW, due to the almost universal negative reaction to "the committee's decision", a somewhat obvious face-saving reversal has been implemented(also obviously orchestrated by the premier's office.

    Along with Minister Rich Coleman's latest BLATANT & OUTRAGEOUS lobbying of Surrey council ON BEHALF of a private corporation for the approval of a casino that had been rejected by citizens of the area and in addition to the lobbying of the government by the Premier's senior advisor for the sale of BC Liquor Distribution to a private firm, is it any wonder that a majority of British Columbians have come to the conclusion that this corrupt, incompetent government must go ?
