Wednesday, February 20, 2013

BC Budget 2013...

Yesterday, the BC Liberals' introduced their balanced budget for the fiscal year which ends on March 31st, 2014.  You can read all of the background information, including a sign-off by well-known economist Dr. Tim O'Neill, here.  I found the budget as "low-key" but responsible

However, both the provincial NDP and BC Conservatives both panned the budget as unbelievable.  The NDP response to this budget here and BC Conservatives response here

My own uncle, Al Forseth, a Kamloops-area Regional Director with the BC Conservatives' writes on this subject here.  It is a little ironic that BC Conservatives' will 'roast' BC Liberals' on deficit and overall provincial debt but appears to give the Federal Conservatives a 'pass' for having to do the exact same thing and yet not a peep....

In conclusion - I think BC's Environment Minister (and MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson) Dr. Terry Lake who says it best on this year's BC Budget:

I think it's modest, responsible and balanced. I think that's what people expected and that's what they got — a budget that's reasonable and says we can't spend more than we bring in.

YouTube Video from Terry Lake below:

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