Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Interim Supply for 6 and not 3 months...

In an election year (like this one) - the government of the day would normally pass an Interim Supply Bill to keep the government going through an election and then fully pass a budget to carry government through to the end of the fiscal year (in this case - 3 months supply then pass 2013-14 Budget)

Ind. Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson (with concurrence from other Ind. MLA's) says, with the high probability that government will change (BC Libs to BC NDP), the Legislature should pass a 6 month Interim Supply Bill to allow the next government (should there be a change) to get organized before coming into the House with its' budget

With that statement - I fully agree with Mr. Simpson... a timeline would look like this....

March - Interim Supply Bill passed (3 months to June 30th)
April 13th - 39th Parliament dissolved
May 14th - 40th General Election held
Early June - Chief Election Office certifies election results (provided no re-counts are necessary)
June 30th - Interim Supply ends

Read more here

Finally - with the revealing of the 2013 BC Budget, MLA Simpson says "Over to you, Mr. Dix" to reveal how a BC NDP government would govern BC, if they get the opportunity on May 14th.  Read more here

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