Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Kamloops Parking Solutions Debate...

Courtesy of Kamloops Councillor Arjun Singh:

For the past 14 months, along with Councillor Marg Spina, I've served on the Kamloops Downtown Business Improvements Association's (KCBIA) Parking Solutions working group. The issues we worked through included creating more convenient, accessible short term parking in downtown Kamloops and a longer term desire for a third downtown parkade.
City Council endorsed the KCBIA taking the lead in proposing solutions to downtown parking issues. As the process has unfolded, other community groups have provided input or venues for input. The Kamloops Voters Society, for example, organized a public forum.

The KCBIA has produced a parking solutions report and has quite a comprensive parking webpage on its website.

Some of the most visible recommendations working their way through this process: to replace 800 parking meters downtown with 9 parking kiosks / pay stations and the first increase in downtown on street parking rates since 1994 (from 50 cents an hour to a dollar an hour).

If you would like to learn more about the proposed parking changes and/or want to provide input, please get in touch with me - or 250 574-3509. Another great opportunity is the city sponsored public information / input meeting next Tues, Feb 26th:

Tuesday, Feb 26, 2013

On-street Parking Solutions & Lorne Street/1st Avenue Upgrade
Interior Savings Centre, Parkside Lounge
7 pm

Please attend a public input session on proposed on-street parking solutions. View the new parking technology planned to replace existing parking meters. Learn about the new parking strategy to enhance customer service and parking options.

Also at this meeting, the City will be presenting a concept design on improved traffic flow between Riverside Park and the downtown area. This will include changes to the intersections at Lorne Street / Lansdowne Street / 1st Avenue, and Victoria Street and the addition of pedestrian-friendly open space.

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