Friday, February 8, 2013

CRD Board Highlights - Feb 8th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Invasive Plant Management Report
      The CRD Board of Directors received the annual review of the Invasive Plant Management department. Treatment crews completed an inventory on 1448 sites over the 2012 operational season that began in May. The CRD follows the concepts of an integrated pest management program; employing a whole suite of tools to control invasive plant species dependent on the species and/or site conditions. Treatment activities included mechanical, chemical, and biological. The presentation also included an overview of the 2013 plan which includes the start of a five-year 50/50 cost share program within the Landowner Assistance program. Further information about the Invasive Plant Management program is available online at or by calling the CRD’s Environmental Services department at 250-392-3351 or toll free 1-800-665-1636.

CCRHD Foundation Partnership Grant Approved
      The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District approved a funding request from the Auxiliary to the GR Baker Memorial Hospital for a portable ultra sound machine for the hospital's emergency room. The purchase cost of the ultrasound machine is $53,000, and the Auxiliary has already raised 60 percent of the funds required. The CCRHD will provide $21,200 (40 percent funding) from the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital Foundation Partnership Grants program. The five year financial plans and budgets for the CCRHD have included an amount of $300,000 annually for foundation partnership grants. Further information is available online at

Support for Heritage BC
      The Cariboo Regional District will be sending a letter of support to Heritage BC. Following an intensive study last fall, a new model for Heritage BC's future was presented to the provincial government and has now received support from the Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, under which heritage is managed. Further information about Heritage BC, their mandate and programs is available online at

North Cariboo Parcel Tax Roll Review
      The CRD Board of Directors appointed three members to a North Cariboo Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel to consider any complaints resulting from local service parcel taxes being applied to a property for the first time in 2013. Directors Dixon-Warren, Glassford and Armstrong were appointed by the Board to attend any meetings to be held in the North Cariboo for the convenience of affected residents who may wish to attend. Further information is available online at

Federal Election Boundaries Commission Report
      The Cariboo Regional District reviewed the recently released 2012 Federal Election Boundaries Commission. The CRD, the District of 100 Mile House with support from the North Central Local Government Association successfully lobbied the Commission to retain the existing boundaries. The recommendation from the commission which was ultimately defeated, would have moved a major portion of the South Cariboo into a riding serviced by the Member of Parliament from Chilliwack. The full report can be viewed online at             

Next CRD Board Meeting
Friday, March 1, 2013

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