Friday, February 8, 2013

Negative Reaction to SD27 'One Campus, Two Schools" Option

Earlier this week - the Board of Education for School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) announced that Grade 7-9 students will attend Columneetza Secondary while Grades 10-12 will attend Williams Lake Jr Secondary for the forthcoming school year (2013-14)

Now - frustrated parents (95 comments so far, as of this writing) have taken to Facebook to express their frustration.  Scroll down to "The 'one school, two campus' model for secondary schools in Williams Lake has now been decided by the Board of Education" by clicking here

In response to parents' inquiries - CEO (Superintendent) Mark Thiessen of the Board of Education says:

Thanks for your e-mail. If you would like to speak directly to the Board of Education regarding the campus decision, I want to inform you of the process. There are two Public Board Meetings scheduled for February (February 12th & 26th). The Special Board Meeting on Tuesday, February 12th begins at 5:00pm. The Regular Public Board Meeting on February 26th begins at 6:30pm. Meetings are held in the Boardroom at the School District No. 27 offices at 350 Second Avenue North in Williams Lake. As the decision regarding the choice of secondary campuses is not on the February 12th agenda, those members of the public wishing to speak to this decision will be able to do so at the end of the meeting.
You can also sign a on-line petition here

It will be interesting to see if the Board will back down, in light of parents' concerns or not....

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