Thursday, February 21, 2013

IUOE responds to Mayor Cook statement re: IUOE Tactics

Earlier today - Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook issued a press statement in regards to the IUOE's tactics involving its' four press statements.  Now, John Dube with the IUOE locally says, in response:

IUOE (the union) does not have to justify what it's putting out to the public.

"The union has been very truthful and open and welcomes the public to come and talk to our people to find out that what we're putting out there are the facts. The union does not have to prove itself and that it has not lied to the public."

It was the union that went to the city and said it would supply the operators to make sure the ice remained at the complex, Dube added.

"So it seems funny that when they say they are trying to do something for the public, their idea was to take the ice out. Their track record is lousy," Dube said. "They had to go to arbitration with the Cariboo Regional District [fire protection], they are trying to shove arbitration down our throats because they can't do what they are supposed to do, and it's us that are putting out mis-information?

"They haven't proven that we've put out one piece of misinformation."


  1. Dube is so full of it his eyes are brown. The wool has been pulled so far over the eyes of the union members it's not even funny.
    You follow a "leader" like him and this is what you get.
    Time to wake up see that you're being used as pawns in a personal game of revenge.

  2. Dube is a bully, theres no doubt about that. However looking at what he has to deal with in that ivory tower of mismanagment and a religous zelot of a mayor, id want to be a tank going in there as well.

    In the end though, as Williams Lakes econ is in the tank (sure glad all that money spent on a business manager that does nothing IMHO)this is a cost saving measure attempted by mgmt to not bankrupt the city all while they get raises and treated as above. Its not a good place for anyone to be and a lose/lose situation especially for the taxpayers who rely on already low levels of service delivery compared to other municipalitites wth financial stability and diversity.

  3. Probably not a good post. The public will see it for what it is: a comment from management with an axe to grind. Who else has reason to be so vitriolic? They need someone to blame it on, when they should be looking at themselves. This strike is not about John Dube, it is about the corruption at city hall exposed by city auditors that has left city management in a state of paralysis due to mismanagement and pillaging of the city treasury. Now after they have spent everything on themselves and their "friends" (contractors) by circumventing the bidding process (in exchange for a relative pittance in gifts to senior managers for their annual Christmas party) that was put into place to protest the taxpayers’ interests from the very things that happened, there's nothing left for fixing South Lakeside OR negotiating in good faith with union members.
    What the public needs to ask is WHY are these same individuals who circumvented these safeguards after so egregiously violating their position of trust still employed in senior management positions at the city? The damage to the city is incalculable.
    Read and educate yourself! Everything being said here is supportable by reading Council’s agendas available through CivicInfo (Steve posts them on his blog). Council did a good job of hiding the addendum to the auditors’ management letter in June that support these statements. And then Council gave it back to the perpetuators to “handle” by implementing a Whistleblower policy on the auditors recommendations that is nothing short of a tragic joke. This is a deflection. What Council has done is a coverup.

  4. The whole situation is comical in a sick sense if you think about it.
    Only now that city hall has refused to raise wages/benefits of the union do they come forward with alleged misspending at the hands of city hall managers.
    If the union knew about these raises and other issues before, why did they not come forward right away and say hey they have received raises and benefits that are not fair to the taxpayers of WL.
    The way it looks to me now is that the union went into the negotiations with expectations of receiving the same heafty increase and only when it was refused did they cry foul.
    In my opinion both sides are taking advantage of the city taxpayer and have to come to their senses that these raises and benefits are not sustainable for either side.
    We are at the end of the day only a small town of 10000. How many managers making $100000 or secretaries making $60000 plus benefits can we really afford?

  5. People don't know about how much managers make until the annual reporting is done to the province. And managers benefits are based on union employees' contracts, plus they give them additional perks on top, again without workers knowledge. And even if they did know, who are they supposed to say it to?? Negotiations didn't even get as far as talking about increasing wages.
