Yesterday afternoon - I took the opportunity to visit our city workers who are striking for a fair and just deal , down at the Public Works Yard, although there are also picket lines at Williams Lake City Hall, the Fire Hall and the RCMP Detachment Building
For a few minutes - I listened to what the workers were looking for and how they are treated by management and I now see why worker morale is so low. They only want what all of us ask for in our own workplaces - to be paid a fair wage and receive a fair benefit package for our/their families. I don't think that is too much to pay to those who go out in the middle of the night to fix our broken water or sewer pipes or clear our streets of snow in challenging conditions, and who make sure that our City looks neat and clean
Stay Strong Guys and Gals!! :)
Contrary to Mayor Cook's statement yesterday -- I firmly believe that workers have the vast support of the general public
Steve someone at the city is deleting questions and comments on the City facebook page within minutes of appearing.