Friday, February 22, 2013

Oakes approves BC Liberal Budget

Courtesy of

The Liberal candidate for Cariboo North likes what she sees in the budget.

Coralee Oakes says some tough decisions had to be made, like increasing MSP payments, but she says they were made in order to be able to increase healthcare by 2.4 billion dollars.

Oakes says the budget has a lot of good things in it for Cariboo residents like 100 million dollars to continue with the Cariboo Connector and on the forestry end they will be planting 22.7 million seedlings this year which she says is up by 56 percent over the previous year.

Oakes says with everything that is happening in Europe a balanced budget was important.

She says it is a budget that looks to the future of the province and sends a really important message that we will not spend money that we don't have and not leave a legacy of needless debt.

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