Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cariboo RD to hold open house on WL Fringe OCP

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Editor's Note - I will be present at this Open House, both as Alternate Director for Area 'D' of the Cariboo Regional District and as a member of the Cariboo RD's Electoral Area 'D' Advisory Planning Commission to hear what Area 'D' residents' present at the meeting say on the WL Fringe OCP...

The Cariboo Regional District will be hosting a meeting for residents to learn about and provide input into the proposed CRD Williams Lake Fringe Area Official Community Plan. On March 1, 2013, the Board of Directors gave the proposed document OCP two readings and it is now available for public consultation and consideration.

An Official Community Plan (OCP) is a statement of objectives and policies used to guide decisions on planning and land use management within the area covered by the plan. The OCP serves as a foundation for all policies, regulations, and decisions pertaining to land use and development in the plan area.

It is extremely important for residents to attend this session and have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions to the CRD’s Board of Directors before the Plan is adopted and forwarded to the Province for final consent.

The meeting is scheduled as follows:

Thursday, April 4 – 5:30 p.m.
The Pioneer Complex (Room 106) - Williams Lake

For residents who are unable to attend this meeting, or for those interested in the OCP’s content, the Williams Lake Fringe Area Official Community Plan and its associated schedules, are posted on the CRD website at cariboord.bc.ca.

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