Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Mtg - Mar 26th

Present  - Mayor Cook (Chair) and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias


G. Goodall - Acting Administrator
C. Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
P. Higgins - Director of Finance
K. MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
C. Hutton - Planning Technician

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Minutes of March 12th COW Meeting approved

The Chair advised that a Special Closed Council meeting will occur following adjournment of the COW meeting, as per Sections 92 and 90(1)(k) - negotiations on a proposed Municipal Service - of the Community Charter


1) Lance Marshall re: Subdivision of property at 44 Woodland Drive

Mayor Cook declared a perceived conflict of interest at 6:07pm and left the meeting.  Acting Mayor Hughes assumed the Chair

* General discussion ensued on water/sewer services on Woodland Dr & subdivisions
* Councillor Rathor: I won't support $60,000 per house for water/sewer services for Woodland Dr
* Councillor Bourdon: Increase density for Woodland Dr to increase chances to bring water/sewer to this neighborhood
* Marshall: Anything higher than $5-10,000 per home and residents will reject participation for water/sewer services for Woodland Dr.

Motion - Delegation received & refer item to Planning and Ops Committee for recommendation to Council

Mayor Cook returned to the meeting at 6:25pm and reassumed the Chair


1) City Place Brand

* Carol Taiji/Manager of EcDev presented item to the Committee by way of a Powerpoint presentation
* Brand must be unique to Williams Lake
* Focus on target audience (or end customer)
* Competition - PG, Kamloops, Meritt, Quesnel, Smithers
* Advantages - Quality of Life, Pro-Business WL City Hall
* Weaknesses - Low Profile, Stigma of unsafe community, stigma of boom/bust community and cowboy heritage
* Brand Promise - WL is unique place where you can live fully/honestly
* Brand Beliefs
* Feedback on Brand
* Choosing our Brand

* A Question & Answer period ensued.
* Councillor Hughes: Include First Nations in place brand
* Councillor Rathor: need to add Forestry, Mining, agriculture & First Nations to brand
* Spent $41,000 for place brand exercise with budget of $45,000

Motion - That it be recommended to Council:

That Council adopt the “Republic of Life” place brand concept and logo for use by the City.

Opposed - Councillor Hughes

2) Backyard Chickens/Beekeeping Bylaw

Planning Tech reviewed Planner's report with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

* Councillor Bonnell: Do not support backyard chickens within the City for either personal or commercial use

Motion - That it be recommended to Council:

That Council direct staff to prepare a bylaw for first reading only to allow for the keeping of backyard hens; and further,that staff prepare a bylaw for first reading only to allow for the keeping of bees; and further,that staff return both bylaws with a consultation plan to gather input from the community regarding these bylaws.

3) Rezoning at 1400 South Broadway Avenue for RV Park

Planning Tech reviewed his report with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Motion - That it be recommended to Council:

That Council direct staff not to proceed with the application to rezone a Part of Lots 2 and 3, District Lot 8871, Cariboo District, Plan 7311, Except Plan 20296 to allow for a Recreation Vehicle Park along Highway 97 South

4) Road Closure of Signal Pt Road Lane

Planning Tech reviewed his report with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Motion - That it be recommended to Council:

That Council decline the request to purchase the land currently dedicated as road/lake access situated between 1707 and 1645 Signal Point Road.

Opposed - Councillor Walters

Meeting adjourned at 8:16pm and after a 5 minute recess - Council then convened a Special Closed meeting as per Sections 92 & 90(1k) of the Community Charter

1 comment:

  1. Republic of Life brand?? What the hell is that? A joke? are we an island in the Carribean?
