Tuesday, March 5, 2013

WL Council Highlights - March 5th mtg

Present: Acting Mayor Hughes with Councillors Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent: Mayor Kerry Cook and Councillors Ivan Bonnell and Geoff Bourdon


Pat Higgins – Acting CAO/Director of Finance
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes from Feb 19th meeting & Meeting Agenda adopted


1) 2013 WL Stampede Queens appeared before Council as a general introduction/presentation of sashes
2) Justin Calof (Executive Director – Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium) gave an update on its 2013 activities


1) Council received for information the cheque runs of Feb 21st/28th (Rathor/Walters)
2) Council ratified an email poll confirming a letter of support for Taseko Mines for their nomination for the Mining and Sustainability Award (Rathor/Walters)

3) Council ratified an email poll authorizing submissions of 2013 NCLGA Resolutions concerning Labelling of GMO’s in Food, Restrict purchase of Bear Spray and Machetes, and Prolific Offenders (Rathor/Walters)

4) After no public submissions – Council approved DVP #3-2013 (Rathor/Zacharias)

5) Council received a letter from the WL Indoor Rodeo Association regarding a Special License Occasion License. The request was approved, subject to RCMP approval (Walters/Rathor)

6) Council received a letter from Chief Fred Robbins, Esk'etemc dated January 25, 2013 requesting a donation of $1,000 towards the upcoming Commemoration Project Ceremony Event (Rathor/Zacharias)

7) Council received a letter from the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin dated February 20, 2013 regarding the City's 84th Birthday Celebration from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM on Friday, March 15, 2013 (Rathor/Zacharias)

8) Council approved the 19th Annual Spring Round-Up Show and Shine on Sunday, May 26, 2013 from 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Third Avenue between Oliver Street and Proctor Street and Borland Street between Second Avenue and Fourth Avenue (Walters/Rathor)

9) Council received a letter from UBCM dated February 15, 2013 regarding the provincial response to the Resolution on infrastructure funding criteria put forward by the City of Williams Lake in 2012 (Rathor/Zacharias)

10) Council proclaimed two dates as follows:

a) April 2013 – Daffodil Month and April 27th – Daffodil Day in Williams Lake (Rathor/Zacharias)
b) June 1st – Intergenerational Day in Williams Lake (Rathor/Zacharias)

11) Council received 4 In-Camera Reports as follows:

a) That In-Camera Report #3-2013 regarding the re-establishment of the Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee was received for information (Walters/Zacharias)
b) That In-Camera Report #4-2013 regarding moving forward with the Williams Lake & District Pool Feasibility Study Process was received (Zacharias/Walters)
c) That In-Camera Report #5-2013 regarding discontinuation of the City's in-kind contribution of City Staff and equipment for hauling dirt in and out of the arena for the annual indoor rodeo be received and referred to the March 12th Committee of the Whole meeting for further discussion (Zacharias/Walters)
d) That In-Camera Report #6-2013 regarding an increase in the daily per diem travel rate was received for information (Zacharias/Walters).  Councillor Rathor noted that he voted against this item when considered by WL Council during its' Feb 26th In-Camera meetingCouncillor Zacharias noted that she would be sending a letter of protest to local media in regards to their 'slanted' news stories concerning the City of Williams Lake

12) Council received the Council Information Package for March 5th (Rathor/Walters) and letters of congratulations be forwarded to Al Richmond for his Queen Diamond Jubilee award and to West Fraser for being the Best Employer in Canada

Meeting adjourned at 7:19pm

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my! The media has criticized the politicians! Quick! Send a letter of protest. Sue Zacharias, you should have realized, it comes with the territory. If your skin isn't thick enough, don't run next time. Come to think of it, that's probably a good idea for everyone on council based on what's been going on at city hall lately.
