Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WL Council Survey Results are in

So last week - I used Survey Monkey to poll individuals about their own perspective of Williams Lake City Council's performance after one year.  I only expected to receive a handful of responses (12 at most) but the final tally was 105 people chose to respond and I thank you for that... :)

Question #1 -  How do you rank the overall performance of WL City Council after one year in office?


78 people or 80.4% of those who answered said Council's performance after 1 year was Poor
16 people or 16.49% of those who answered said Council's performance after 1 year was Below Avg
2 people or 2.06% of those who answered said Council's performance after 1 year was Avg
1 person or 1.03% of those who answered said Council's performance after 1 year was Excellent

Question #2 - Do you support the current direction of the City?


96 people or 96.99% of those who answered said No
3 people or 3.03% of those who answered said Yes

Question #3 -  Do you believe that WL City Council have kept true to their election promises, after one year in office?


95 people or 97.94% of those who answered said No
2 people or 2.06% of those who answered said Yes

Question #4 - Do you agree with WL Council's handling of the current labour dispute with the IUOE?


94 people or 95.92% of those who answered said No
4 people or 4.08% of those who answered said Yes

Question 5 - Review of Individual Councillor Performances:

80 votes or 80.4% of all votes cast
13 votes or 13.68% of all votes cast
1 vote or 1.05% of all votes cast
1 vote or 1.05% of votes cast
73 votes or 77.66% of all votes cast
16 votes or 17.02% of all votes cast
4 votes or 4.26% of all votes cast
1 vote or 1.05% of all votes cast
80 votes or 80.4% of all votes cast
14 votes or 14.74% of all votes cast
1 vote or 1.05% of all votes cast
0 votes
68 votes or 71.58% of all votes cast
17 votes or 17.89% of all votes cast
7 votes or 7.37% of all votes cast
3 votes cast or 3.16% of all votes cast
78 votes or 82.11% of all votes cast
12 votes or 12.63% of all votes cast
4 votes or 4.21% of all votes cast
1 vote or 1.05% of all votes cast
75 votes or 79.75% of all votes
15 votes or 15.96% of all votes cast
3 votes or 3.19% of all votes cast
1 vote or 1.06% of all votes cast

Finally - on the blog directly (also last week), I posed this question to my readers:

In light of the 3 Public Disputes -- WL Community Forest, CRD Rural Fringe Protection (and at the time) Union Negotiations - should Kerry Cook be re-elected as Mayor of Williams Lake next fall?

Out of 133 votes cast:

8 people or 6% of all votes cast said Yes
125 people or 93% of all votes cast said No

As the information above suggests so far -  there seems to be general dissatisfaction of Williams Lake City Council's performance to date, although to be fair - there is still one more year to turn it around.  The survey was obviously ran before the Don DeGagne situation unfolded this past week which is likely to affect people's opinion of Council as we get closer towards the 1 year count-down to the next local gov't election, currently scheduled for Nov 15th, 2014



  1. Ain't it funny that what goes around comes around.

  2. Your sample is very skewed Steve and hardly representative of the community. The HUGE majority of folks who read your blog dislike anyone elected and government in general.
    To suggest that your survey is indicative of the entire community is laughable at best.

  3. Actually i would have to bet that what used to be, and pardon the phrase Steve, but a municipal "slam" page, has over the last year moved into a more balanced and fulsome conversation. I would venture that more moderates are reading this blog than before as it has become much more rounded and addressing the facts, not the persons. While I agree you will get a bent favoring Steves outlook on things, a subsequent survey where steve asks questions of his readers, particularily when they started to read and why, coupled with asking if his change to presenting information has had an impact, and what, would solidify what "type" of reader he has. I for one have been directly opposed to Steve going after individuals and he has heard from me, however (while not agreeing with his position at times) have agreed on his analysis and exposing of positions.

    I would doubt Steve would think the sample is representative, however, looking at the numbers AFTER doing the above noted surveys might change the view of the validity of the survey...or not.
