Friday, April 5, 2013

BC Political News - Apr 5th edition

1) Budget Debate - BC NDP vs BC Liberals

Yesterday - the BC NDP accused the BC Liberals of having a $790 million deficit - read here.  Meanwhile the BC Liberals issued the following points on their Balanced Budget:

Yesterday, the NDP tried to fudge the numbers on BC's balanced budget on the same day that Moody's reaffirmed our AAA credit rating.
The NDP continue to fudge budget math, just like they did in the 1990s.
• The NDP tabled Budget 1996 twice – before the election they promised a surplus of $16 million, but in reality they knew it was a deficit of $256 million. They overruled professional Ministry staff and lied about the deficit.
• In the 1990s, the NDP were responsible for six consecutive credit downgrades and eight deficits in a row.
• An NDP government would undermine BC's economy by spending more and racking up huge deficits.

In addition - Moody's Rating Service confirmed BC's Triple A credit rating - read more here

2) Adrian Dix/Christy Clark speak in Prince George

Yesterday and today - both Adrian Dix/Christy Clark (Leaders' of the BC NDP/BC Liberals') spoke to CBC Daybreak North.  Listen to Dix here and Clark here.  Having listened to both interviews - I think (and I know I'm biased here) that Christy Clark did the better interview

3) Yesterday, former BC Liberals' Chief of Staff Martyn Brown writes on the election chances of Independents like Bob Simpson (Cariboo-North) and Vicki Huntington (Delta-South) have.  Read more here.  I believe Huntington is virtually guaranteed for re-election

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