Friday, April 5, 2013

CARIP Payments to Local Gov't

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

As a signatory of the Climate Action Charter, communities throughout B.C. received more than $6.2 million with the latest round of grants through the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program, announced Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Bill Bennett.

The Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program is a conditional grant program that provides funding to Climate Action Charter signatories. Communities that have signed the Climate Action Charter and report publicly on their progress toward meeting their climate action goals receive a grant equivalent to 100 per cent of the carbon tax they pay directly, for a total of more than $6.2 million provincewide in 2012.

Since 2008, this provincial fund has provided $19 million to help support B.C. communities’ efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and work toward their charter goals. To date, 95 per cent of communities in B.C. have signed the Climate Action Charter.

Local Governments in Cariboo-Chilcotin receiving the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) Funds:

Cariboo Regional District - $13,722
Wells - $3,069
Quesnel - $47,994
Williams Lake - $26,262
100 Mile House - $4,230

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