Friday, April 19, 2013

City of WL Budget 2013 set

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Editor's Note - I was profoundly disappointed that Council has decided to borrow $215,000 over 5 years (plus interest) from the Landfill Reserve to help set the nearly $2 million budget for the South Lakeside road project.  In my view - an inappropriate use of the Landfill Reserve funds.  Contrast that to a few years ago when a previous City Council borrowed funds from the Landfill Reserve for the purchase of the Garbage/Recycle Bins that residents' now use which is set to be paid back in full in 2014.  I will be writing to Council on this subject later today.  If you have a comment on this, Councillor Geoff Bourdon from Council's Finance Committee says you have until Monday, April 22nd 

Council will consider giving first three readings to the 2013 -2017 financial plan at its April 23 regular Council meeting.

As proposed following the April 17 budget meeting, the 2013 budget will see a 1.97% tax revenue increase, which is the lowest increase since 2005.

There are no changes to water and sewer fees.

Capital projects ($4.9 million total) include:

• Widening and repaving of South Lakeside Drive
• Phase 5 of the River Valley Storm Sewer Upgrade
• Public Wi-Fi at City Hall and Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex
• City-wide parking lot improvements
• Pedestrian Underpass/Bridge connecting Mackenzie Avenue and River Valley Trail

More details on the 2013 budget and five-year financial plan will be communicated after the April 23rd Council meeting

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