Friday, April 19, 2013

PMT Chartered Accountants gives $5,000 to NC Multicentre

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

The announcement of a $5,000 donation from PMT Chartered Accountants was welcomed today. Local businesses are stepping up to show their support of the North Cariboo Multi-Centre.

As a new business to Quesnel, PMT Chartered Accountants is very pleased to become part of the City of Quesnel. We feel strongly about our community and believe in supporting the community. We feel that the Multi-Centre is very much needed and the community as a whole will benefit from having the Multi-Centre. We are proud to support the Multi-Centre with our donation.” expresses Debbie Wiens, CGA and Partner of PMT Chartered Accountants.

Bernice Heinzelman, Chair of the Multi-Centre Fundraising Committee says “thank you to PMT Chartered Accountants for their generous contribution of $5,000. Local businesses are supporting the project and the efforts of the Multi-Centre Fundraising Committee and we thank you for that as well. We need the multi-centre.”

PMT Chartered Accountants’ gift will be used to fill 20 seats in the new facility both in the theatre and the arena.

The North Cariboo Multi-Centre will be a modern facility designed to replace the 62-year-old arena and aging theatre infrastructure. It will feature a 1,600 seat NHL-sized arena, a 450-seat performing arts theatre and accompanying event and assembly area.

For more information about the North Cariboo Multi-Centre project or how you can participate in the fundraising efforts, visit

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